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In The early of July i just buy a new External Harddisk "Seagate tuxedo black 320 GB", first of course i want to check the thing, my computer running windows 7 ultimate edition, i pluged in the USB cable but there is no response, i try to restart my computer and replug the harddisk but still nothing except for a warning that windows failed to installing this device driver, i keep my head cool so i go to computer management and start a device manager to find my device but the windows recognize it as an other device instead a "disk drive" and i say "yeah right", then i try to install its driver through my Windows 7 Installation CD and it say that my device doesn't need any driver and i say "huh" not going give up i try this procedure more than 3 times, after that i thought that the item was broken and i want to change it through its guaranty service, but before i go my mind get curious, then i try to plug this device to my old computer that running Windows XP with service pack 3, and guess what, that's my brand new External-harddisk working like a miracle, so i know that my windows 7 that was getting the the only thing that was on my mind is restore windows 7 to its previous state, not by its "system restore" but the "system image backup" lucky me cause i`m not to lazy to do a harddisk imaging backup, i used paragon-software free for do the job than after all restoration progress complete i try to plug my harddisk again, and now it recognize the device as usb device, now i`m really happy until i check my computer and once again i say "huh....?" the harddisk didn't show any new drive, and i start to thinking maybe its not formatted but wait the device box there is a pre-loaded software inside and it was formatted with ntfs file system but how can i access the drive that doesn't even shown.then once again i go to a "computer management" on windows 7 and then go to "disk management" and just find out that the drive doesn't assign with any letter so i assign it, and then the EX-harddisk now completely work.One day passed then i power on my computer, plug the Ex-Harddisk, go to my computer and once again i say "Huh...?" the drive didn't shown again, so i check it "disk management" again and find out that the drive does'nt have any letter, now that's what i call wast a time and your mental, there is no way i want to assign the drive letter manually every time i plug the my Ex-Harddisk , so here what i do :- click the start menu program and click on"serach program and files" box and type"mmc" then a microsoft management console appear as console1 on the title bar
- under the"file menu i click "Add/Remove Snap-In"
- Double click "Disk Management" from the snap-in list choose "this computer" and then "OK"
- Click the "Disk management" under the "console root", right-click on my EX-Harddisk partition and click "Change drive letter and path"
- Then I assign the drive letter (choose a letter that`s not often you see when you plug some (removable device)
- At last save it on it default location "Administrative Tools" with the name that whatever you want
Now that my External Harddisk shown every time i plug it
Finally what you need to do when you have problem with Seagate in Windows 7 is :
- restore it to its fresh windows 7 installation or reinstall your windows 7 if your device doesn't recognized by windows as a Disk Drives or you got a driver install failure message.
- Run "Microsoft Management Console".
- Go to and ask them to fix this problem on windows update, so people does`t get confused with this problem anymore.
Sorry for my bad English but i hope you understand what i mean